badan banding bahasa Inggris
- badan: body; bod; material body; human body; physical
- banding: appeal; compare; equate; liken; equal;
- banding: appeal; compare; equate; liken; equal; comparability; comparison; equivalence; equivalent
- banding (tumbuhan): chrozophora
- diagnosis banding: differential diagnosis
- ikut banding: coappellant
- lampu banding: comparison lamp
- mikroskop banding: comparison microscope
- naik banding: appeal to a higher court; appealed to a higher court; appealing to a higher court; appellate; appeal
- badan: body; bod; material body; human body; physical body; torso; consistence; trunk; eubstance; corpus; physical; anatomy; consistency; organisation; physical structure; corpse; physique; form; flesh; so
- gedung pengadilan banding terakhir: court of final appeal building
- mahkamah banding paris: court of appeal of paris
- pengadilan banding (hong kong): court of appeal (hong kong)
- pengadilan banding afrika timur: east african court of appeal
- pengadilan banding kamerun: court of appeal of cameroon
- On January 31, 2008, Mexico notified the Appellate Body that it would like to appeal some of the issues of law covered in the Panel report, and that it wished to cover some of the legal interpretations covered by the Panel.
Pada 5 Januari 2012, Amerika Serikat diberitahu Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa tentang keputusannya untuk pengajuan banding kepada Badan Banding berkaitan dengan isu-isu hukum yang tercakup dalam laporan panel dan interpretasi hukum yang diputuskan oleh panel.